
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Work shop: 5 Creating the illusion of the 'Other Mother'

1. Physical - soft/round edges.
                - Looks like a real mum.
                - Normal hight.

    Costume - Basic - no patterns.
                 - Baggy loose clothing.
                 - Mostly covers the body.

    Colour/Lighting - Warm, artificial, dull.
                            - Colour palette - orange.

2. Physical - Sharper edges - head/nose/apron.

    Costume - Patterns on the outfit.
                 - Black/reds.
                 - Loose/baggy gives the idea of softness.

    Colour/lighting -Warm, artificial, orange/yellow.

3. Physical - Paler skin.
                - Weight shift to hips/bum - accents beetle.
                - Pointing nose, back of the head, elbows.

   Costume - Pattern - pdkadols, black white, red.
                - Fits her figure better.
                - Beetle shell-like layers.
                - Shows more skin.
   Colour/Lighting - Bright, vibrant, cold, artificial.
                           - Browns/peaches.

4. Physical - Thick figure - lost all the fat, taller, long neck, hair, back of the head, arms, elbows, back of the dress.

   Costume - Pattern - black, white,red.
                - Shows more skin.
                - A lot tighter.
                - The beetle shape on the back and collar.

   Colour/Lighting - Bright, warm, artificial, oranges.

5. Physical - Ugly, spider-like, needles, no fat, no skin.
                - Lots of sharp angles - head, joints - taller

    Costume - Tattered rags, barely there.
    Colour/ligting - Green&black, cold light, unnatural.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Coraline - Music


Diegetic Sound - sounds added to a scene eg music.

Non-diegetic sound - sounds that happen naturally in a scene eg footsteps, wind blowing leaves.


  • Major - written is a major key, has a happy uplifting tone.

  • Minor - written in a minor key, has a sad, gloomy, morose tone.

Tempo (speed)

Fast - could walk quickly to makes the music feel energetic, gives movement/pace.

Moderate - a mix of two

Slow - dragging feet pace, makes the music feel lethargic, boring, energy locking, sleepy.

Dynamics (volume) 

Lound (fate) - gets viewer attention, enhances emotions/mood - makes happy happier etc.

Quiet (piano) - either background noise or used to make the viewer focus.


  • Quiet - loud - build intercity.

  • Loud - quiet - crows focus.

Opening scene

Chards - minor - has a sad vibe, feels creepy, unsetting.

Tempo - mader - feel on edge, walking pace, gives energy.

Dynamics - Changing - starts quiet, gets louder, grabs our attention, builds emotion & intensity.

Mouse Circus 

Chords - minor- is very upbeat and energetic but the minor tone makes it feel off/uncomfortable.

Tempo - fast -gives us upbeat, want to move energy, makes the circus feel fun & lively.

Dynamics - loud - makes the viewer feel hyped up, energetic, invited to join in.